Introduction to InfraSpace Modding

Do you want to make your own stuff and put it into InfraSpace? This category is all about making and playing mods.

This post here is a collection of tutorials to get you started modding InfraSpace yourself.


If you have any questions about modding or want your own tutorial added on to this list, just post a topic in the “Mods” section of the forum.


Is the Mods button visible all the time or just when the game finds a local mod?
Could you clarify where to place the mods?

I am running it with proton 7.0-4 on Linux.
$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1511460/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Dionic Software/InfraSpace/mods/

Another question: is the mods folder all lowercase? And does the game always check for the all lowercase mods path?

Hey @tuxle the mods are part of the upcoming update, we only released the tutorials so far :slight_smile:

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