Post a picture of your city!

My last city topped out at 15k citizens before suffering cascading failures. Was running fine with 22 of the 25 residential blocks filled, even able to let the game sit for over half an hour without issue. But once I hit 24 of the 25 blocks filled traffic backups started causing downgrading, then a flood of trucks would head out to try and reupgrade the habitats causing more traffic and more downgrading. Didn’t leave enough space between the residential blocks for enough highways and bypasses.

about halfway through a game, having a play with different layouts and clustering to try and avoid any game breaking traffic

My city is so spread out that you can’t get the whole thing in 1 screenshot. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll put pictures here when I can though!

Hello everyone,

I am new here and just started playing this game. As someone who enjoys OCD, this game is perfect.

I am not sure if this is considered cheating: after playing the game a few times, I took one of my cities that had a bunch of stuff unlocked, deleted everything in it and saved it as a template. Now I use this as my starting point for new games. This way I have superhighways and some other things from the very beginning.

I love this game. Thank you.

Welcome to the Octagon!


Ooh, that looks great!

say hello to bad traffic management

This is Grand Central transportation hub. It’s the center of my railroad network. Every train line stops here, so any item can be moved anywhere on the map by train!

It’s still WIP and is not being fully utilized. (not all of the lines are in use yet) It looks amazing though!

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abusing the trains…

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Loving seeing the different circular layouts! Here be mine.

What can I say… I like organized chaos.

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Another angle and stats.

It’s so big it doesn’t even fit inside my screen!


Here’s my mess of a city. My first.

I saw this game on The Real Civil Engineers channel, bought it recently and have been bad at traffic ever since :smiley:
I’m not good at making it efficient, but I like sprawling over the map.

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Whoa…that looks very efficient.

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Similar idea to @EpicSoulreaver, with a slight difference’s I think it’s best to use the stadium as a centre piece. I have yet to fill mine in which I am currently in progress doing. Not had any issues as of yet.

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I also saw the game at Real Civil Engineers channel, that guy is amazing!