Hello Founders’ fortune players,
I red the documentation about publishing mods to steam workshop :
However, I can not find the “Upload to Steam Workshop” button and the picture in the tutorial is missing.
Am I missing something or this functionality was removed?
Hey. This functionality still exists.
Are any of these your mods? They need to be in the mods folder next to the saves in %appdata%/…/LocalLow/Dionic Software/Founders’ Fortune
Thank you Daniel for your answer.
My mod files are in the following folder :
C:\Users\ user \AppData\LocalLow\Oachkatzlschwoaf Interactive\Founders Fortune\mods\Infinite Deep Mine
The mod is correctly detected by the game so I guess the path is correct but apparently, it is a bit different from yours.
hm, actually Oachkatzlschwoaf Interactive should also work.
Do you have develop mode turned on in the settings?
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It was indeed the reason I could not see the button. It was not written in the guide but I should have taken a deeper look into the game parameters.
Thank you for the solution 
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