Hi! My github username is MarcelBuian (Marcel) · GitHub
I would like to contribute with Romanian language
My gifthub username is TDBlocks64.
I will help translating to dutch.
Thanks! Finished with Romanian, tested in game, adjusted with fixes and created the Pull-Requests for all files.
I think will be much easier for me to create 1 single PR with all changes than so many but I need some access to any branch you can provide for me. But that’s for future.
Thanks @Leemur!
I’ll include it in the next release.
You should have access to the master branch, do you not?
Hi @Daniel. I can help you with the transtation to the Czech language too. I already sent some pull requests to the GitHub repo (as “maly”). Feel free to use it (some typos fixed, some new terms translated…)
Hello @Daniel
I’d like to translate the game into Scottish Gaelic if you’d like
My github: sylbhann
Oh, that’d be interesting to see.
As long as it doesn’t require too much work to get fonts to work, we can add it
You should have got an email invitation now.
Hey @Daniel
I would like to translate the game into Danish if you would let me
My Github: TheZoff
Looks forward to help out
Hi Zoff, thanks and welcome!
I would also like to translate to Danish
Username Github: LordFitter
Hi @LordFitter, welcome!
I’m not sure how active @TheZoff is, coordinate with them if you are both working on it.
I would also like to translate to Danish
I am a friend of LordFitter, i can support him.
Username Github: Corfitsen
Seems like the Danish Armada has arrived
Yes sir.
We will help you take the game to the next level.
uiIngame.json is broken (see error message).
It also says an object with this name already exists.
This typcially means a given phrase to translate, like “newGame”, exists multiple times in the file. Another possibility could be that one phrase has multiple translations for the same language, i.e. the “danish” key exists multiple times.
Hey @LordFitter and @Corfitsen
Now that there are three of us who have to translate, we can collaborate better if we have a place in here where we can write together.
I have therefore created a space where we can do so without disturbing the others. See the link at the bottom of this post.
Hope hear from you in there.
God tanke.
Jeg tror vi er næsten færdig med at oversætte nu.
LordFitter er i gang med det sidste på mainMenu.json
og jeg har lige taget ca. 1/3 af techs.json
LordFitter har ligeledes haft loadet det ind i spillet for en times tid siden, i forhold til at se hvordan det så ud. Der er flere rettelser. Men det kommer.