Not making much progress anymore, I’m afraid.
For one thing, I still don’t get the modelCount thingy (soil for tomatoes for instance has a modelCount of 1 but at least three different modelNames (Seed, Grown, Dead).
For another, inEarth obviously does not mean what I thought it did. I expected it to basically be an opposite to onlyInRoom, that is, for items that had to be placed outside. But no, I can still plant sunflowers on the floors. And hedges it turns out. Not a big issue, just confusing. I now have no idea what the “point” of inEarth is.
And finally, since it seemed easier to use the invisible texture trick, I combined my living sunflowers model with my dead sunflowers model and called one object group/collection living and the other one dead. Both appear in game. I then looked at example files in the modKit and figured maybe it’s the materials I need to name, rather than the items. So after much hassle with that (in spite of things being linked in Blender it seemed some bits and pieces were very reluctant to update and also it turned out that when I appened the dead model I somehow appended it both as a whole and as individual pieces which then had to be removed individually or everything went poof. I swear Blender has ghosts in it.) I could see the material names in Unity and apply the correct textures. But, both versions still show at the same time in game.
Not sure if the problem is with the naming in Blender or the .json file…
Including the bit from the json file in case that can help anyone help me with this… 
“sunflowersChA”: {
“buildPanelSection”: “decoration”,
“requiredTech”: [“gardening”],
“costResources”: [“wood”],
“costCounts”: [5],
“wealth”: 0,
“beauty”: 3,
“inEarth”: true,
“seasonalDescription”: {
“objectsToConfigure”: [“living”, “dead”],
“springMaterials”: [“sunflower”, “”],
“summerMaterials”: [“sunflower”, “”],
“autumnMaterials”: [“sunflower”, “”],
“winterMaterials”: ["", “sunflowerDead”]
“needsUpdate”: true,
“collider”: {
“boxes”: [{
“center”: [0, 0.9, 0],
“size”: [0.8, 1.6, 0.8],
“doesCharacterCollide”: false
“buildHeight”: 0,
//“constructionType”: “digging”,
“interactionTransforms”: [{“pos”:[-0.5,0.0,-0.5],“rot”:45.0},{“pos”:[0.5,0.0,0.5],“rot”:225.0},{“pos”:[0.0,0.0,-0.66],“rot”:0.0},{“pos”:[0.66,0.0,0.0],“rot”:-90.0},{“pos”:[-0.66,0.0,0.0],“rot”:90.0},{“pos”:[-0.5,0.0,0.5],“rot”:135},{“pos”:[0.0,0.0,0.66],“rot”:180.0},{“pos”:[0.5,0.0,-0.5],“rot”:-45}],
“modules”: {
“destroyable”: {
“maxHealth”: 5.0