Bug Report

Continuing the discussion from InfraSpace Alpha 5 - 8 bug report:

After getting to City Level 2 by having 2 out of 3 habitats upgrade, the game locked up. I could select items from the bottom options but could not place anything. I could not get any details by clicking on any of the buildings. My population was at 44, jobs at 44, and housing at 45. I had just completed the first research but could not go any further. I had to kill the game via Task Manager to get out of it.

Hey @matt, sorry for the issue.

Would you mind sending me your Player.log file after you experience this? It’s located in C:/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/AppData/LocalLow/Dionic Software/InfraSpace


Email with log file has been sent. Thank you.

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i keep on getting a black flicker on my screeN

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I have the same problem. Game automaticly freez after reaching City lvl 3.

for me that happend as soon as all houses where completly satisfied with park points

Thanks for the reports, we’re working on an update to fix the most important issues first.