Suggestion - Construction material delivery

When I first started playing I was a bit disappointed to see that while we produced concrete and steel for construction, buildings just popped into existence when built.

I would like to suggest an optional change to that: A new game setting “Construction material delivery” with a checkbox for roads/rail and a checkbox for buildings. Trucks need to deliver the necessary concrete and steel from a construction material warehouse to have stuff get built.

Buildings will sit as a bare foundation or a transparent ghost until trucks deliver all the needed steel and concrete to assemble them.

Roads are needed at the very start so this idea wouldn’t work before you build the construction material storage so either:

  1. make gravel roads free, unbuilt roads and highways will be gravel until materials are delivered to build/upgrade them to concrete roads or highways. Bit silly to need concrete for a gravel road anyway.
  2. Add a new road, dirt roads. Free and slower than gravel. Unbuilt roads and highways will be dirt until the materials are delivered to build/upgrade them to concrete roads or highways

For things like rail and powerlines, trucks could go to the closest road to the object to make the delivery.


I think option 1 is a good one, i like the idea.
In myself i was already thinking about building time for buildings.