Spawning trains on train lines that use the same stations but different rails is a bit random

When I have 2 train lines which both use the same stations but different rails when spawning trains for the first line they all appear on the rail expected. When spawning trains for the 2nd train line the first one appears on the rail expected then subsequent trains appear on the first train line.

To recreate the bug…

Build 2 small train stations.
Connect the stations using rails then loop back from the 2nd station to the first and close the loop.
Do the same again using the other rail in the opposite direction.
Create 2 train lines. One with station A then B and the other with station B then A.
Select the first train line and spawn a few trains.
Select the second train line and spawn a few trains.

As a workaround I build a mini train station on each line and use that as the first station on the line so the trains will spawn on the correct rails. However ideally I’d like to be able to choose which rails the trains spawn on.

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