Some improvements please

I’m having a great time. But there are some things I’d like to see :slight_smile:

When I have turned down the allocation (it’s not really a ‘priority’ it’s an ‘allocation’) of workers to an industry, it would be nice to know how many people I need in total to achieve the staffing that I’ve allocated. Especially if my city has had a crisis and the population has dropped by 70%.

So if jobs can be displayed as 3400/3800 (3400 jobs assigned vs 3800 jobs possible) that would be great.

The main reason why I don’t use districts is because the production overview is awesome. Is it available per district? If/when it is, having it show a clear dropdown that says “District: All districts” or something like that would reassure people that they’re not going to lose the use of this wonderful tool.

A district tutorial would probably be a smart move at some point.

I often delete powerpoles, and it’s useful to see “Network 2 does not have enough power”. What would be even better would be if I could click on that notification, and the screen would center on a powerpole that’s part of Network 2.