Hello there!
Your game got some attention of mine, as a friend of mine asked me if I were able to mod the game for his own needs, as I am kinda skilled in creating/adjusting/manipulating and such with json logic and Unity after all.
I tried looking into the assembly but wasn’t able to find some json structures inside (no clue if they can be even saved inside a function anyways). Construction, furniture, configuration (global, gameworld settings) and so on ain’t an issue, since they were mostly available on the modding page.
The only thing we miss are adjusted traits to our likings.
I was able to find this segment of code:
public static int GetTraitPoints(TraitType trait)
switch (trait)
case TraitType.Pacifist:
return 6;
case TraitType.BattleHardened:
return -4;
case TraitType.Optimist:
return -3;
case TraitType.Pessimist:
return 3;
case TraitType.Killer:
case TraitType.Xenophobe:
case TraitType.Xenophile:
return 0;
case TraitType.GoodHealth:
return -3;
case TraitType.BadHealth:
return 3;
case TraitType.Overeater:
return 2;
case TraitType.Survivor:
return -5;
case TraitType.Insomnia:
return 2;
case TraitType.Tireless:
return -2;
case TraitType.Smart:
return -4;
case TraitType.Dumb:
return 4;
case TraitType.FavoriteFoodPumpkinStew:
case TraitType.FavoriteFoodFruitSalad:
case TraitType.FavoriteFoodAppleStrudel:
case TraitType.AnimalLover:
return -1;
case TraitType.AllergicToApples:
case TraitType.AllergicToPotatoes:
case TraitType.AllergicToTomatoes:
case TraitType.Vegetarian:
case TraitType.LactoseIntolerant:
return 1;
case TraitType.Limping:
return 4;
case TraitType.Diplomat:
return -3;
case TraitType.LovesSummer:
return -2;
case TraitType.LovesSpring:
return -2;
case TraitType.HatesWinter:
return 2;
case TraitType.HatesFall:
return 2;
return 0;
But how to actually convert it into a logic-string?
"traitLogic/TraitType/HatesWinter/Cost": 1;? Like this?
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! And continue with this amazing game and make it worth a while, as there are quite some stuff missing atm.