InfraSpace Update 1.45.436 + Future Update Timeline

Hello everyone!

I just released Update 1.43.435 with some fixes, mainly localization related.

Two More Content Updates: One Small Update and One Big Update

InfraSpace is getting close to being a finished game. We hit 1.0 in October and have fixed almost all of the bugs since then. We will continue to fix bugs that come up for a long time, so please keep posting about them when they happen to you.

In terms of content, there are 2 more updates coming:

One small update will release our 4th map for InfraSpace, which will require a lot more usage of the spaceship laser cannon and gondolas to traverse the terrain. More details in a future post.

The other update is a bigger one, we’ve been working for on some time. It’s not something groundbreaking, but it contains some new unlocks and upgrades for your city, which gives you more goals to strive towards and more choices to make. This is especially interesting if you’re a veteran player that already knows all the systems or if you enjoy optimizing your playthrough to eek out all the efficiency.

Of those updates, we’re going to release the big one first, probably in 2-3 weeks or so.

New Game in the Works

Since InfraSpace is pretty much finished now, but it’s not a “forever game” that we can afford to update indefinitely, we have been cooking up our next game in the background for the last 5 months.

With InfraSpace we learned a lot, especially regarding software quality. We want to apply a lot of these lessons and have built a really good foundation, that should lead to a lot less bugs than InfraSpace had at some points in it’s development.

The next game will be a bit closer to our first game, Founders’ Fortune, but there are definitely going to be some production chains and some opportunities for optimization if you’re so inclined.

Let me know if there is interest in the InfraSpace community to join a closed Alpha or a mailing list and I’ll see what I can do once the game is ready :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the feedback and the support. Let me know if you find any more issues with InfraSpace or something that needs to be fixed and as always,
happy playing!


I’m defenitely in to try out a new game!
I also look forward to more updates to this game!

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