My home appliance factories arent delivering to residential buildings, but will deliver to nice habitats, decent habitats and basic habitats, I also know it isnt a road or district problem. I cant progress until this stops happening and its really annoying, help
Do you have enough supply? I’ve found you must have at least 120% supply so they will cater for leveling up habitats.
I’m having these same problems! So frustrating, my supply hugely outweighs my demand. The home appliances deliver fine until I upgrade to residential and then they just stop delivering, all buildings say ‘outgoing storage full’ but aren’t delivering anything. I have changed nothing else on the map other than adding parks and computers, they all upgraded fine. Once they downgrade again the home appliance factorys send out the home appliances like normal. It just continues on this cycle.
Try to deconstruct the dactory and build a new one.