Farming update this weekend

Hey guys!

Long time no post. Too long in my opinion, so I figured I’ll give you a rough walkthrough of the latest update coming some time this weekend:

As the name implies, we’re changing the farming system to offer more diversity to the gameplay. This includes several new plants like pumpkin or strawberry. The plants will grow in specific seasons only and may grow faster if you give them special attention (watering them). Of course we added a farmer costume to prepare our settlers for all the hard work! :smiley:

With all those new potential ingredients we also changed the food system. Your colonists will no longer accept a too monotous or simple diet in the long term. New dishes can be prepared in the kitchen and bakery.

As teased two weeks ago, I’ve been busy creating more wall and floor types while also introducing more pillars into the game. We’ve also been experimenting with fences and path/ road structures and are hoping to finish them in time too.

Have a nice week!



What great artwork and the beginning of many dreams and inspirations for all of us players :slight_smile:

May you continue to inspire many generations to come.


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