Description English

Painted Amphora
Description color is different.

Traditional Short Curtains
Traditional Curtain
Simple Long Curtains
Traditional Long Curtains
Wooden Window Box
Simple Window Shutters
Traditional Window Shutters
Mediterranian Window Shutters
Beauty is 0?
Beauty is not in Description.

If i’m correct, curtains, windows box and frame, don’t make any beauty. It’s only for decorative purpose.

Beauty is 0.OK.
Thank you JordanPANDA.

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Another “missing” description:


@LarsDahl Thanks, I put it on the list!


Could you also check this one?

missing description

will do. In the future, please report translation problems as GitHub issues. Thanks!

@Mickey103 it seems to work when the game is played in English. Is it possible this screenshot is from the Dutch game before this text was translated?

I just digged into the code and you’ll have to add sonDaughter to the dutch genderDictionary.json as well.

Ok thx for checking, it was indeed from a Dutch game before this text was translated