[CONTEST] Win a copy of the game!

Hello dear colonists/tikis !

Today i’m offering you a way to get the game for FREE by participating an easy contest only to test your creativity (not matter if it’s ugly since it’s original it have a chance to win)

To participate send next to this message (not PM) an original creation about Founders’Fortune (draw, fanart, screenshots, text, etc)

End of entry the 16oct 2019.
Result the 17 oct 2019.

Good luck everyone !

(x2 key for 2 people, DEV are sponsoring the contest !)


NEW deadline since i’ve got no entries,

[NEW] Entry deadline: 27 oct 2019
[NEW] Entry results: 28 oct 2019

Everyone can participate to gift it to a friend etc :slight_smile:

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Hi Jordan,

Sad about the ‘no entries’ :worried:

Though glad about the new deadline, as it gives everyone a bit of time to get organized :grin:

I thought the previous deadline was a bit short and may have scared off a few people, but there are no excuses now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yeah, it’s even more difficult when it’s during the week.
It’s good to have contests and stuff though :+1:

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You’re both true, if still no chance with new deadline i will give one more week, we’ll see if i got more chance with actual new deadline :slight_smile:

Good luck again to everyone and don’t be shy ! :slight_smile:

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I love this little game. Here is what I have so far

It’s kinda hard building a good city with the space that is provided and the number of tribes surrounding you. But I will keep trying to out do this one.

Good Job on the game guys :heart_eyes:
Yours Sanshark,

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Hello everyone !

Today i’m here to announce the winner of the contest to win 2 key of the game !
(To choose the winner i simply put all entry in a software that give me 2 random name)

I wanted first to thanks all the participant every entry was incredible and i’ve learned more about player and future player of Founders’Fortune and i wanted to thanks all the forum/steam and discord participant :slight_smile:

No more wait the two winners are:

Tiger (discord) & @Sanshark (forum)

Congratulations and see you soon for another contest ! have a nice day/night !
(i’ll PM you the key soon)


Congrats Tiger and Sanshark! :smiley:

Wow thank you so much :D. I have fallen in love with this lil game I play it everyday. Ha I’m playing it now…