As it is right now, there are a few things that really needs a look at, in terms of game play. I’m sure some, if not all, of these have been mentioned before, but adding my comments to them, would then only help making notice of these issues.
1: random generate starting settlers. Why?! Instead of this random generator, give us two settlers and say seven points to spend, to begin with.
2: Random Generated Maps. This one is linked to #1. You click through a tens if not hundreds of randomly generated settlers, until you finally find a good combo. Then the map starts. You look around for apple trees, because the 10 food you start with, means they’ll starve quickly. What do you find? zero to three apple trees. Really?! Time to redo #1 all over.
3: Inspirations. These can be great - IF you can actually complete them. When it’s still year one and being asked to collect 62 healing plants or have someone drink beer, is just flat out stupid. Make them more consistent with where the player is at.
4: Tribes demands. To be blunt: What’s the point of giving us three healing potions to start with? You can’t fight of the tribes anyway, and they more often than not, demand your healing potions. On top of that, having multiple tribes demanding x amount of food, before the player even has a chance to begin farming, renders this as borderline stupid game mechanics.
5: Pirates. You’ve barely started. Your miner is working his/her butt off, trying to collect crystals for research. Then along comes a pirate and wants you to store 156 gold pieces. Really?! I can barely store enough food for the winter.
These are the points, of the top of my head, that really needs fixing - badly. Otherwise, some players will not even bother with this game, as it is a test of patience, just to start the game in the first place.