Hello again 
I think the existing tutorial is pretty good for explaining things enough to get you started, but I had a look at your files, and so here’s your furniture.json, with comments:
“jrbudovaa”: {
“wealth”: 10, //this means the item adds wealth to the colony
“beauty”: 10, //this adds to the beauty rating - which is usually for indoor items I think
“needsUpdate”: false, //this is true for things that change with the seasons or similar
“costResources”: [“wood”], //what it’s made of.
“buildPanelSection”: “decoration”, //the category in which you find your item, in game
“costCounts”: [1], //how much wood it costs to build your item
“collider”: { //prevents characters from waking through your item or other items to be placed too close/inside
“boxes”: [{“center”: [0.0, 4.0, 0.0], “size”: [9.0, 7.80, 14.0],}], //corrected values
//“boxes”: [{“center”: [10.0, 3.0, 5.0], “size”: [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],}], //previous values
“doesCharacterCollide”: true
“buildHeight”: 3.0, //what height the foundies work at, I think. So 1 or 2 might be better.
“dimensionsX”: 3.0, //determines whether 0 is at an intersection or between two intersections
“dimensionsZ”: 3.0, //same as above. These values need only be 1 or 2, and 1 is default
“modules”: {
“destroyable”: {
“maxHealth”: 25.0 //how much effort your enemies must make to destroy the item when they attack.
Basically, you can omit wealth, beauty, needUpdate, dimensionsX and dimensionsZ if you want to.
For resource cost, you can write [“wood”, “stone”] if you want two materials. Then you need to give a number for each in costCounts: [50, 25] (whatever numbers you find reasonable and balanced 
DimensionsX or Z is most useful for things like a bed, table or bench that is 2 meters in one dimension.
Back to the collider for a bit:
Your barn is 9 by 14 meters, and around 8 meters tall. It is placed approximately with it’s center at “0,0,0” of the coordinate system. A box of the same size will have it’s center (height wise) at 0, as well, which is why it needs to be “lifted” 4 meters into the air. Also, the collision box needs to go a bit above the ground (or you need to add an “inEarth: true” statement to the json) which is why I changed the height size from 8 to 7.8 (meaning it’s lifted a little more than half the box’s height).

Tried a small illustration too, hope it helps