I am now 13h in and in general it’s nice piece of game.
But I got some findings to share:
Small usability things:
-Moving tool is effected by grid snapping but if you are not building anything is not visible.
=> You have to select something to build to get access snapping button.
-When you are building road (have ghost of road) you often notice that you have wrong modifiers. You can click modifiers but it wont be effective until you cancel building and start it again. Very small but when you are continuously cancelling and reclicking the road it’s start to get annoying.
-When you are trying to connect roads with angle snap it respect angle until you snap to another road. At least when another road has connection point on close but it could happen some other situations too, dont remember.
-Nofication “Electric network 3 does not hava enough power” notification could be slightly more useful. After building looot of stuf I got this error. Only problem was that I tought I had only 2 electric networks and had no clue where this disconnected grid might be. Make notification clickable or make otherway easy to see underpowered buildings.
-Consider adding tutorial for district feature. I had some feedback for lack of it but found mention about it from different post
More serious ones:
-I have currently mission to connect two electric network but they don’t seems to connect. Even if they seems to be connected, they actually arent (one of connected pole is “electric network 1” and another “electric network 2”. Also after trying to rebuild poles, new poles were not working nor clickable at all. You could move and remove them but regular click to see pole status did not work for that particular pole. Only thing comes to my mind is that issue place has extremely high elevation difference.