Bug report in latest bugfix

In the latest bugfix,when loading my game after 2 to 3 minutes i cant build,delete or move things anymore

Oh and also methane pipes dont connect to buildings that require methane

reload a save game and dont build the spacecraft facility, it breaks the game.

i dont seem to have a prob with spacecraft facility so probably its not that

i keep trying, 5-10 minutes everytime i build it, game breaks.

Hey everyone, sorry for the issue. To anyone who’s game breaks after loading a save and playing for a bit:

Can you go to settings → open saves folder → copy your save AND the Player.log files → daniel@dionicsoftware.com

There is a high probability the log files contain a useful error message that help us reproduce the issue. Thanks.

FYI, this error in the .log is just loading the game. I’ll email the rest.

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object ‘Main Camera’) is missing!

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