Hello! There was a problem. I understand that new stones do not appear on the map? I had only a few of them, they ended and the miner did not even have time to reach the level of collecting iron. Help! (Sorry for the mistakes, I’m Russian)
Hello Elisa .
I understand you well. Ressources can be very little on a map. That is normal, I have only four apple trees on my map for example . You could train your miner by a bookshelf. You need https://i.imgur.com/59I0dmT.png for it and scrolls you have to buy from a dealer. Produce wood or clothing for selling.
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Exactly, how I forgot about the bookshelf! Thank you very much. I was just so upset by the fact of the disappearance of stones, which were so few that I completely forgot. That is, stones can also be bought from a merchant if necessary?
Not every merchant has stones on offer, but some will have an amount.
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@Elisa there should be more than enough stone on the map, maybe you need to expand your colony a little?