Link to the official news post.
We just fixed the most important bugs in Alpha 9 and also announced big news about the development. We’re looking forward to hear your thoughts
Link to the official news post.
We just fixed the most important bugs in Alpha 9 and also announced big news about the development. We’re looking forward to hear your thoughts
Good Luck to Rene, and Congrats on deciding to move and I think you will have plenty of support from around the world with your followers for you to continue work on the game. Keep it up!
Good wishes Rene
With your education finished, you can follow your dreams more freely
If you need a help with translation to Russian, I could help.
В обновлении 9.1 возникла ошибка! Не снимаются трофеи с гоблинов. В прежней версии игры трофеи снимались и попадали в общее хранилище инструментов и брони. Теперь же они нигде не появляются.
Hi Natali,
There is a bug which will be fixed
Очень понравилась возможность торговли и подарков гоблинам. Хотелось бы, чтобы
появилась возможность приглашать гоблинов на вечеринки или просто в гости. Чтобы еще сильнее укрепить дружбу народов
translation for EN: I really liked the opportunity to trade and give gifts to goblins. I would like to
Now you can invite goblins to parties or just to visit. To further strengthen the friendship of peoples
Please try to keep talking in english for better understanding