Adamantine: How do I find it on the map?

Research everything in the research tree, so the only thing left is to drill for Adamantine … but where is it on the map? What does a deposit look like?

Besides the fact the drill takes up lots of space, needs huge amounts of concrete & steel to build, have this ugly feeling that I have ramp my economy to a whole new level, to make the thing run.

You place the drill anywhere and it drills automatically. But, building it takes several stages and a ton of stuff, like electronics.

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oh, i mean, there is no adamantine deposit. You place it anywhere, and it acts like a factory, making adamantine with red science and something else

plus you will have to supply it with lots of red science. I mean LOTS

Thanks 189794,

Good to know to know that I can place it anywhere. There aren’t that many open places to put something that big on my map.

plus you will have to supply it with lots of red science. I mean LOTS

Scary thought. Peaked the Red Science rate at 2.1, while researching the Adamantine Drill. Sounds like it will take a very long time to fill the Red Science input bucket for the Adamantine Drill.