one thing that keeps happening is if i have a building selected that i want to guild (ghost mode of the building not actually building it) and i hover past a road the road becomes locked i need to then click the yellow lines that appear when you click on the road in order to unlock it. (locked meaning traffic cant pass)
second issue is industrial robots, i have the tech and everything is in the factory, however it states doesnt have workers, my priorities are set to 100% for it and when i build it it takes the 4 population however in the factory itself it states 0/4 workers and wont continue.
hm, can you share a save that’s zoomed in on the industrial robot factory in question so I can have a look?
(settings → open saves folder →
apologies no idea what happened but looking at it now even checked it before i sent the save, it was 0/4 now it is showing 4/4… not sure what changed it
I see. Hm, if it ever happens again, double check the production view, check if it says it’s at 100% staffed (not only priority, but also that all jobs are filled), save, reload and see if anything changes.
There is a chance it was a bug that disappears with reloading, and if it happens again, let me know.